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Success in Agricultural Desalination: Water Supply Challenges

Pexgol technology can overcome challenges in shallow well applications, offering an efficient and cost-effective solution for leading companies in the agricultural industry.

Case Study Nº






Working Conditions

Temperature: 21°C / 69°F | Pump pressure: 163 PSI y 540 m^3/hr.

Pexgol Pipes

Pexgol 250 mm (10″), SDR 11




243 m / 797 ft


Success in Agricultural Desalination: Water Supply Challenges

The Challenge

BerryMex, a leader in the agricultural industry and recognized for its high-quality production of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, faced a significant challenge at its desalination plant in Mexico. The company needed an efficient and cost-effective solution to transport seawater from shallow wells to its treatment and desalination plant.

The shallow wells drilled next to the sea had to be constructed with corrosionresistant pipes, capable of withstanding the weight of the water column and the 1,250 kg INDAR submersible pump. Initially, BerryMex considered using plastic pipes like PVC or CPVC, but these would not withstand the weight, risking the loss of the pump. The other options, stainless steel or superduplex pipes, were too costly in terms of materials and installation.

Pexgol Solution

Pexgol introduced its innovative crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe as a corrosionresistant solution with the capacity to withstand the required weight. In addition, the low roughness factor of Pexgol pipes prevents scaling, which extends their lifespan and minimizes maintenance interruptions.

Since their installation, Pexgol pipes have shown exceptional performance in BerryMex’s four wells, with no issues or decrease in water supply to the desalination plant. The installation time in each well did not exceed 4 hours, demonstrating the efficiency of the process.

The BerryMex team was able to easily assemble the Pexgol pipes at the construction site, using electrofusion couplings and load clamps on a steel base plate. With only two joints required per well, the Pexgol pipe system proved to be a cost-effective and durable solution.

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