Водопроводные линии — суровые природные условия
Transportation of brackish water to the main pumping station
Case Study Nº
Working Conditions
Pexgol Pipes

Главная задача
The Rahaf dry riverbed has several powerful seasonal floods every year, causing heavy rocks and soil to drift and swipe everything in its way.
In order to transport water to the main pumping station, which supplied water from the sea to the plant, Dead Sea Works had to lay a waterline of 100 meters across the Rahaf dry riverbed.
Original asbestos pipe laid in a trench crossing the riverbed but the floods uncovered the pipe and damaged it, requiring the replacement of the pipe.
A Pexgol ѓ355 Class 10 (SDR 16.2) pipe was laid in a ditch across the riverbed, without sand embedding.
The original pipe was made from combined short sections that required a complex installation and reinforced foundations. The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) was two years.
Since the easy installation of the Pexgol pipe in 1993, it has been working with no failures.
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