Transport of Muddy Water in a Palm Oil Processing Plant
Transport of Muddy Water (Pome) witha High Content of Organic Load.
Case Study Nº
Working Conditions
Pexgol Pipes

The Challenge
La Gloria, a company dedicated to the extraction of palm oil in César (Colombia), required a new line to transport muddy water to the oxidation ponds. From the florentino lagoon (treatment pool), passing through the main road and the plantation, the excavation and installation of the pipe had to be carried out in the crop, between palms without causing damage to the plants and the irrigation pipe. In addition, given the operating conditions and the type of fluid, a pipe was required that resists high temperatures and has a low internal roughness index due to incrustations.
Pexgol Solution
Due to the high costs of carbon steel pipe, added to the cost of assembly, it was decided to use Pexgol pipes.
Pexgol was selected for its quick and easy installation, fewer joints and the possibility of supplying it in rolls.
The installation of the 1200 meters was carried out in 4 hours. Four electrofusion joints were used for the splicing of the sections and a mechanical joint was used at each end.
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