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Dry Gas Transportation

Dry Gas Line for Pump Activation.

Исследование случая №






Эксплуатационные условия

Maximum pressure: 9 kg / cm2 | Temperature: 25°C | Type of installation: underground

Использованные трубы

Pexgol 90 mm (3”) Class 10

Сфера применения

Dry gas transportation


1880 m / 6168 ft


The Challenge

ExxonMobil, the unconventional oil field operator located in Neuquén (Argentina), was analyzing the installation of an underground line to convey dry gas. It was used as fuel to drive pumps to transport large volumes of water, used in the development of unconventional deposits.

The company evaluated different pipe alternatives such as: 2-inch diameter carbon steel, or Pexgol cross-linked polyethylene pipe. In addition to the cost, the main premise in the analysis was the reduction of the time of provision and installation of the pipe, which had to be in service in the shortest possible time to supply the needs of the drilling equipment operating in the deposit.

Pexgol Solution

The local team (Argpex) proposed to use a 90 mm diameter Pexgol pipe, class 10 in coils of just under 630 m each. The manufacture and transportation of 1000 km, was carried out in the course of a week.

The uncoiling and unwinding was carried out in a single day with minimal equipment consisting of an uncoiler and a vehicle to pull the pipe, in this case a backhoe. Electrofusion joints were made in one day.

The cost of the Pexgol material, including transportation to the location, represented less than 20% of the cost that a 2-inch carbon steel pipe would have consumed only materials and welding labor. A hydraulic test was carried out and the operation was subsequently started with positive results.

Связанные тематические исследования

Сравнительные испытания транспортировки рассола с использованием труб из ПЭВП и Pexgol.

Сравнение вариантов для транспортировки рассола

Albemarle Salar


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Транспортировка пищевых продуктов трубами Pexgol в сравнении с трубами ПЭНД

Компания Marine Farms


Транспортировка воды под высоким давлением для золотого рудника.

Транспортировка воды под высоким давлением

Рудник Mansfield


Установка дренажной системы на карьере.

Дренажная система

BHP Pampa Norte — Рудник Серро-Колорадо


Замена трубы ПВХ трубой Pexgol

Транспортировка сульфида натрия

Magnelec S.A. de C.V.


Замена титановых труб на трубы Pexgol для транспортировки кислого раствора.

Обогатительный комбинат: транспортировка выщелоченной пульпы

Barrick Gold — Пуэбло Вьехо
Доминиканская Республика
