Transport of Palm Oil Slurry
Transport Of Palm Oil Slurry At 95°C.
Case Study Nº
Working Conditions
Pexgol Pipes

The Challenge
Loma Fresca is an agro-industrial company, dedicated to the transformation and commercialization of products derived from the cultivation of African palm oil.
As part of the production process, the client required to transport the waste from the palm, to be discarded later. First, they used a carbon steel pipe. It suffered from serious sedimentation problems until it was completely covered, requiring constant plant stops both for cleaning and for replacing the pipes, thus influencing the costs and production time.
Pexgol Solution
Loma Fresca required a pipe that on one hand could withstand the high temperatures of the fluid and that at the same time have greater resistance to the incrustation versus the steel pipes they formerly had. They needed a quick and effective installation to not have to stop production for a long time.
Loma Fresca decided the acquisition of the Pexgol pipe system. The installation was carried out in a single day. The line was separated by sections of pipes and was connected with electrofusion elbows.
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