Transport of Cyanide Water
Pexgol Pipe Installation for the Transport of Cyanide Water.
Case Study Nº
Working Conditions
Pexgol Pipes

The Challenge
Equinox Gold, a Canadian mining company dedicated to gold extraction in different countries, required for its “Los Filos” mining unit to pump from the ADR plant a neutralized solution (cyaninated water) for evaporation through sprinklers. Previously, steel and HDPE pipes were used for this type of application.
The steel suffered from corrosion problems and the HDPE from crystallization, which generated problems in the thermofusions.
Pexgol Solution
It was decided to use Pexgol in sections of 12 meters with electrofusion connections. This way, possible corrosion problems were avoided and the costs of the project were reduced.
The installation was carried out by the same personnel working at the mine with training from the Pexgol technical team.
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