Casos de Estudo
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Nossos estudos de caso oferecem lições valiosas e inspiração, mostrando como a tecnologia de ponta e o design robusto da Pexgol tiveram um impacto significativo em diversas aplicações. Seja você esteja procurando uma solução específica para uma indústria ou explorando possibilidades para seus próprios projetos, nossa seção de estudos de caso é um testemunho de nossa experiência e compromisso com a excelência.
Mergulhe em nossa coleção de estudos de caso e veja como a Pexgol continua estabelecendo novos padrões em soluções de tubulação ao redor do mundo.
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Overcoming Geotechnical Challenges with Pexgol at Media Luna
High-pressure fluid transport
Pexgol’s Solution for CFE: A Leap in Durability and Efficiency
Overcoming Piping Challenges in Hydrocarbon Transportation
Evolving Mine Operations with Pexgol Piping
Addressing Drainage Challenges with Pexgol
Syncrude & Pexgol: A Collaboration Set to Reshape Slurry Transport
Pioneering Space Launches with Ground-breaking Piping Solutions
Slurry: Pexgol’s Superior Alternative to Traditional Piping
From Steel Struggles to Pexgol Progress
Pexgol Pipes for Efficient Wastewater Transport
Pexgol’s Pipe Solution Enhances Salmon Farming
Streamlining Water Supply in Highway Construction
Overcoming Installation Hurdles and Enhancing Operational Efficiency
From carbon steel to Pexgol: A victory against corrosion
From Steel to Pexgol: A Plumbing Upgrade for Tel Aviv’s Gordon Pool
Pexgol Piping for Fire Network System Expansion
Implementation of Pexgol Pipelines for the Transport of Muddy Water
Improving efficiency in steel foundry with Pexgol
Success in Agricultural Desalination: Water Supply Challenges
Transport of Muddy Water for Palm Oil Extractor
Efficient Choice: PE-X Pipe for the Palm Industry
New Wastewater Treatment Plant with Pexgol Pipes
Cold Water Distribution for External Cooler System
Hot Water Distribution for Solar Technology
Transport of Hot Air for Advanced Agriculture
Transport of Cyanide Water
Transportation of Water with Solids
Efficient Open Pit Mine Drainage
Industrial Waste Water to MBR Treatment Facility
High Pressure Dewatering in Open Pit Mine
Transport of Compressed Air for Underground Mine
Transporting Brine at High Pressure
Fiber Optic Cables Through a Vertical Shaft
Fish Oil Transport at 36°C / 96.8°F
Installation of Water Well in Reduced Space
Free Chlorine Potable Water Supply
Compressed Air System
Transport of Silica Arena: HDPE vs Pexgol
High Corrosion Resistance Against Brine
Transport of Muddy Water in a Palm Oil Processing Plant
Dewatering Through Shafts
Potable Water Aqueduct
Water Transportation on a Mining Road
Well Drainage at Mining Dam
Water Transport Between Dams
Drainage System
Drainage in Underground Mine
Drainage Lines in Underground Mine
Mining Drainage Lines
Vertical Dewatering
Vertical Drain in Underground Mine
Transport of Compressed Air
High Pressure Drain in Underground Mine
Mine Dewatering at Low Temperature
Water Transport in Complex Terrain
Water Drainage in Underground Mine
Transportation of Alcohol for the Production of Rum and Brandy
Palm Oil: Transport of Leached Mud
Alumina Plant: Ore Slurry Transportation
Pulp & Paper Mill
Carriage of Chemicals at Sea Port
Water Supply & Fire Extinguisher Line
Potable Water Supply on Harsh Terrain
Underground Mine Dewatering
Transportation of sodium sulfide
Compressed Air Transportation
Open Cast Mine Dewatering
Recovered Water Transportation
Open Cast Mine Dewatering
Open Cast Mine Dewatering
Water Drainage at an Open-Cast Mine
Water Drainage at an Underground Mine
Dewatering at an Open Cast Mine
Groundwater Transportation
Water Extraction from Wells
Open Cast Mine Dewatering
Extraction of Underground Water
Leached Slurry Transportation